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"Mary deri-ayakgap" OJSC

"Mary deri-ayakgap" open joint-stock company was registered on November 18, 2020 by the Department of State Registration of Legal Entities and Investment Projects of the Turkmenistan’s Ministry of Finance and economy.

  • The registered Equity capital of the Company - 33 330 205 manat.
  • The total stock number of the Company - 51 515.
  • The nominal value of each stock - 647 manat.

Founders of the Company - The Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan, Individual Enterprise "Rovshen".

"Mary deri-ayakgap" OJSC produces high quality leather products mainly processed from leathers with natural characteristics of the animal husbandry industry.

The leather shoes of the manufacturer distinguished by its quality, strength and durability, and in a short period of time it has gained great demand among Turkmen consumers. Shoes intended for pupils are available for consumers in the stores of the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan and Individual Enterprise "Rovshen" located in Ashgabat and other cities of the country. Furthermore, the shoes offered to the public at school fairs held before the new school year.

It should be noted that finished leather products are sent to State military enterprises, to a shoe factory under the management of the Ministry of Textile "Turkmen-Kalkan" of the Ahal velayat of Ak Bugday etrap, as well as to the sewing and shoe factory named after the Hero of Turkmenistan Gurbansoltan eje in the Magtymguly etrap of the Balkan velayat.

Currently, more than 300 experienced specialists work here. As a result of the expansion of production, new departments are opened and jobs are created.

Leather products from the Mary Deri-Ayakgap enterprise are distinguished by their convenience, quality, practicality and low cost compared to shoes imported from abroad and put up for sale.