+993 (12) 46 86 05; +993 (12) 46 86 27

General information about the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank of Turkmenistan "Halkban".

The joint-stock commercial bank of Turkmenistan "Halkbank" is an open joint-stock company and offers various banking services as an independent credit organization.

The joint-stock commercial bank of Turkmenistan "Halkbank" carries out banking operations on the basis of a license for "Carrying out banking activities", issued by the Central Bank of Turkmenistan dated October 21, 2020, number 1-18-33-1, as well as the "Certificate of a participant in Foreign Economic Relations", issued by the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan dated October 17, 2020 under the number PJ-126500000/1113.

Address of the bank's head office: 744013 Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Avenue named after. Hero of Turkmenistan Atamurad Niyazov No. 154.

The managerial and organizational structure is as follows:

  • General meeting of bank shareholders;
  • Control and Supervision Board;
  • Bank board.

The highest governing body of the bank is the general meeting of shareholders. The Control and Supervision Council exercises control over the activities of the bank's board, authorizes the conclusion of business contracts of high responsibility and carries out other activities provided for by the bank's charter. The bank's board is an executive body that carries out the day-to-day work of the bank, guided by the bank's charter and internal documents approved by the general meeting.

The total number of shareholders is as follows:

  • 1. Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan - Share in business 99%.
  • 2. State Insurance Organization of Turkmenistan - Share in business 1%.